Climate impact assessments are often made for local scales, using results from regional or global climate models, which cover a large spatial area. When using these results for local, small-scale…
Global Climate Models (GCMs) are important tools to assess the impact of future greenhouse gas concentration on changes in temperature, precipitation and wind speed. However GCMs are run at a…
Future greenhouse gas emissions and concentrations are difficult to predict and depend on future developments such as future population growth, economic growth, energy use, uptake of renewable energy, technological change,…
The agreement on sign of change is a confidence metric based on the number of models agreeing on a decrease, no change or an increase in the climate change signal…
The climate impact indicators provided are the end result of a long chain of model simulations and statistical calculations. Here, we provide an overview of the method for producing the…
A Climate Impact Indicator (CII) is an aggregate quantitative measure used to show the impact of climate change on complex environmental phenomena in terms of trends and variability. Climate Impact…