Issue No. 2, March 2022
Welcome to the second HYPE Newsletter! Here we share the latest updates and developments of the model code, applications and an overview of HYPE-related activities.
The past two years have been difficult for all of us and 2022 continues to be full of challenges. We see science as a way to build bridges and foster international collaboration and understanding. We hope that the HYPE community continues to work together towards a better future for society in these difficult times.
In 2022, we plan several events to strengthen the HYPE community, such as the HYPE conference and the HYPE course. You can find more details about planned events below.
Latest news in the HYPE code
A model for silica: Since last year, HYPE includes a model for silica. The silica model simulates dissolved silica originating from soil chemical weathering, as well as silica in algae produced in rivers and lakes. The processes of primary production and mineralization are similar to the formulation used for other nutrients. Other new features in the model are an improved representation of sedimentation (algal silica) and point sources (e.g., from households or industry).
Restructuring of input files: A new input file for atmospheric deposition, which collects input spread over several files and methods, can now have a defined valid time period. Atmospheric deposition may thus have a time dependence. Moreover, we introduced new input files for lake water stage observations and river rating curve information. The latter file is used to calculate river water levels from simulated flow, which can then be compared with observed river water levels. Moreover, one can now add comments in forcing data files and compress state files to increase data storage capacity.
Improvements of sediment simulation: A new feature is the siltation of lakes and reservoirs (see figure below). Settling sediment may fill up in the lake but routines for flushing reservoirs at regular or irregular intervals can reduce this effect. In addition, the sediment model has been expanded with new options: soil erosion can now vary monthly and be reduced during no-flow periods. A simplified Bagnold’s equation introduces an alternative to the previous river sedimentation and resuspension model. The Bagnold option is also available for particulate phosphorus and tracer transport.
There are more upcoming features!
Check the latest release: Release Notes.
Released features are described on the wiki: HYPE wiki
For more information about the HYPE code, visit Hypeweb.
Check out our HYPE tutorial series!
We have 5 tutorials that introduce the code structure of HYPE. The videos present HYSS, HYPE and the interface between them: link to tutorial series
Latest news in World-Wide HYPE model development
Latest release: In 2021, we released version 1.3.9 of World-Wide HYPE (WWH), which includes the aforementioned updates on sediment transport and uses Hydro-GFD 3.2 forcing data.
WWH quality assurance: our models are developed on the NSC (Nationellt superdatorcentrum) supercomputer. However, on an operational basis, they run on an SMHI-internal computer, which is operated by different people and different IT systems. This bears a risk for model errors and can potentially lead to small discrepancies in the model output. To assure the quality of our forecasts, we developed a workflow to assess the potential errors stemming from developing and operating the model on different systems.
WWH applications: WWH is applied in different locations for various purposes by using “cut-outs” of WWH of specific regions. Some examples of recent applications are the HYPOS project, which focuses on assessing hydropower developments in different regions in Switzerland, Georgia and Albania or the FANFAR project, which provides flood forecasting for West Africa.
For more information about WWH, visit our website.
Model feedback to share? Let us know using the feedback form.
Online HYPE conference
Due to the pandemic, the HYPE conference in 2021 was held online from May 26-27. Twenty-one participants from multiple countries met to present and discuss their latest work using the HYPE model in a variety of different applications. See some of the highlights below!
- Updates on the Mekong HYPE model by Bui Du Duong, NAWAPI/ Ministry of MONRE, Vietnam
- Estimation of surface runoff characteristics of the Hishkaro basin (Iraq) by Ramadhan Mohammed, University of Duhok, Iraq
- Comparing HYPE and SWAT modelling of nutrients in the
Maumee River, Ohio, US by Remegio Confesor, NIBIO, Norway - Multi-objective parameter optimization of the HYPE model using shuffled frog-leaping algorithm by Xinyu Li, Leibniz Universität
Hannover, Germany - Checking sensitivity in HYPE soil-runoff parameters by Leonard Santos, INRAE, France
- Calibrating HYPE in Senegal by Abdoulaye Faty, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Senegal
We plan the next HYPE conference in 2022 in an online format for Tuesday, May 3 and are looking forward to meeting everyone again!
If you are interested in joining the conference and are new to HYPE, have a look at our guide on using HYPE.
Online HYPE course 2021
With the HYPE course, we aim to attract new model users and inform more experienced HYPE users about updates.
In 2021, we had 29 participants from various countries around the world joining the online HYPE course.
Here you can find more information about past courses.
Coming up in 2022!
- The third HYPE online conference will be on May 3, 2022.
Register here: https://forms.gle/mkt9oSNze6wsr4C7A - The annual open HYPE course is planned for September 7-9, 2022 in Norrköping, Sweden.
Check the courses and training hypeweb in April 2022 for registration, format, and other information. - Want to keep in touch? Follow us on Twitter! @Hydro_Research
HYPE Newsletter is written by staff at Hydrological Research and Development unit at SMHI.
For more info, visit https://hypeweb.se/model-water/
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