Data Delivery Details

This standard package for historical data includes:

Geographical domainChoice of one region (see World-Wide-HYPE model)
Model versionWWH1.3.3
VariablesRiver discharge (m3/s), runoff (mm/month)
Temporal and spatial resolutionMonthly mean per catchment
Data period1980-2015
Forcing meteo dataHydroGFD 2.01
Delivery formatNetCDF for time series and shape file for catchment borders.
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  1. Berg, P., Donnelly, C., and Gustafsson, D. (2018). Near-real-time adjusted reanalysis forcing data for hydrology, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 22, 989–1000, Temperature and precipitation from the HydroGFD dataset can be ordered as customized data package – contact us!

Order this standard package

Fill in this form to order the standard package for historical data. For more information, view the data delivery details  or contact us!

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This order form is a non binding offer and it does not create legal obligations for the parties. After submitting the form we will contact you to discuss the procedure and the details of your order.

Global Regions From The World-Wide-HYPE Model​

Historical river flow in the World-Wide HYPE model is described and evaluated against observed river flow in the international journal Hydrology and Earth-System Sciences by:
Arheimer, B., Pimentel, R., Isberg, K., Crochemore, L., Andersson, J. C. M., Hasan, A., and Pineda, L., 2020. Global catchment modelling using World-Wide HYPE (WWH), open data and stepwise parameter estimation, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 24, 535–559,

The standard package includes time series for some 10 000 – 30 000 catchments in each regionClick on the maps below to enlarge them.

Arctic Ocean drainage area 

23.26 million km2 (area)
divided into 27 887 catchments

North America 

21.46 million km2 (area)
divided into 29 429 catchments

Central America

21.74 million km2 (area)
divided into 22 682 catchments

South America 

21.46 million km2 (area)
divided into 29 429 catchments

Europe and Mediterranean

17.76 million km2 (area)
divided into 16 394 catchments

Middle East, Northern Africa 

39.13 million km2 (area)
divided into 27 155 catchments

Africa and Middle East 

40.31 million km2 (area)
divided into 27 889 catchments

Middle East and West Asia 

35.34 million km2 (area)
divided into 28 520 catchments

Central Asia 

35.87 million km2 (area)
divided into 31 184  catchments

East Asia 

27.53 million km2 (area)
divided into 27 453 catchments

Australia and Oceania 

10.16 million km2 (area)
divided into 9 845 catchments