Tutorials on our Wiki

You can read tutorials for HYPE modelling tasks on our Wiki. Below are direct links to that wiki.

General HYPE tutorials

Specific functions in HYPE

Not in HYPE

The HYPE Model – An introduction

An introduction to the history of the HYPE model and the different functions presented by Lic. Göran Lindström, Hydrological Research, SMHI, Sweden. This lecture was given as part of the Open HYPE course, held annually at SMHI in Sweden.

The HYPE Model – Automatic Calibration

Introduction to automatic calibration in the HYPE model presented by Dr. Jafet Andersson, Hydrological Research, SMHI, Sweden. This lecture was given as part of the Open HYPE course, held annually at SMHI in Sweden.

On site training

Please also check our page about the training we offer at our premises in Sweden at SMHI.