Issue No. 3, March 2023
Welcome to the third HYPE Newsletter! Here we share the latest updates and developments of the model code, applications and an overview of HYPE-related activities.
In 2023, we plan several events to strengthen the HYPE community, such as the HYPE conference and the HYPE course. Check out the newsletter to learn more!
Latest news of the HYPE code
Soil model additions
One major change last year is about the modelling of nutrients in the soil: the existing soil models (e.g., default, “traveltime”) were complemented with a new soil model that accepts the concentration of root zone leakage as input and continues the calculations from there. This model has simpler nutrient process formulations than the default soil model. Now different soil models can be used for different classes in the same model set-up. In addition, it is possible to use the default soil model for some substances, while other substances use the “traveltime” or “rootzone” soil model specified for the class.
New input data
Point sources input now allow for five types of sources. There is no difference in how they are treated in HYPE. However, the loads of each source are accumulated separately in the output for source apportionment. Diffuse sources (e.g., from rural households) can be introduced as loads to the third soil layer in addition to previous introductions to the lowest soil layer or the local river. Lastly, a new input, the fraction of a class that is drained, allows for classes to be only partly tile drained.
Process changes
The soil model changes mentioned above include a new formulation of the nutrient processes of the soil. The root zone soil model simulates substance processes only for the third soil layer which is assumed to be below the root zone. In this layer, an exponential decay of the dissolved substances is applied. Organic carbon (OC) leaving the soil may be temporary delayed before joining the local stream. The delayed OC is released during high runoff. The flow in rivers depends on the net inflow to the river and the volume of the river before the inflow. The previous method depended on the volume of the river after adding the inflow, and remains as an option.
Latest news on HYPE model setup development
E-HYPE model development
In early 2023, we completed the discharge and sediment calibrations of E-HYPE4, the fourth-generation pan-European application of HYPE. Key updates from the previous E-HYPE3 model setup include a new subbasin delineation, new landuse data and Soil and Landuse Combination (SLC) classes, new meteorological forcing data (HydroGFD3) for model calibration and validation, and the inclusion of simulating sediment fluxes. E-HYPE4 is being prepared for operational deployment and will be used in our DIRT-X project to study how changing climate and socioeconomic conditions will impact reservoirs and the services they provide to different economic sectors. A manuscript introducing the E-HYPE4 model setup and detailing our calibration approach is now in preparation.
HYPEtools now on CRAN
The HYPEtools R package provides a toolbox of functions to support HYPE modelers with creating and modifying model files and analyzing and visualizing model results. Features of the package include streamlined file import and export, standard evaluation plot routines, interactive mapping, and diverse post-processing and aggregation routines for hydrological model analysis. HYPEtools is now available on CRAN with a collection of vignettes and demo files to highlight various package features. Install HYPEtools today and browse the vignettes within R using
There are more upcoming features!
Check the latest release: Release Notes.
Released features are described on the wiki: HYPE wiki
For more information about the HYPE code, visit Hypeweb.
Check out our HYPE tutorial series!
We have 5 tutorials that introduce the code structure of HYPE. The videos present HYSS, HYPE and the interface between them: link to tutorial series
Latest news of the World-Wide HYPE model
Application-based Evaluation and Comparison of World-Wide HYPE
World-Wide HYPE is applied to seven case study areas with different climates and hydrological pressures (Brazil, Norway, Sweden, China), with model settings differing in terms of global/local dataset and calibration methods. Model performance is evaluated by conventional statistical metrics and a new developed application-based evaluation schema. The results show a general improvement in the model setups as the calibration and forcing datasets turn more localized. Meanwhile the study also reveals added value of the global model setup from an application-based perspective, and determine which signals from a global hydrological model can be considered with a relatively high degree of confidence. This is particularly important for providing climate services in resource-limited areas.
For more information about WWH, visit our website. Model feedback to share? Let us know using the feedback form.
Online HYPE conference
Last year, the HYPE conference was held online on May 3, 2022. More than 50 participants from multiple countries met to present and discuss their latest work using the HYPE model in a variety of different applications. See some of the highlights below!
- Updates on the Greater Mekong HYPE model: Performances of HydroGFD 3.0 by Bui Du Duong, NAWAPI/ Ministry of MONRE, Vietnam
- Application of the HYPE model in the Senegal River Basin as a decision support tool for extreme hydrological events extremes by Abdoulaye Faty, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal
- High-frequency and high-resolution modelling of nutrient and sediment export in agricultural headwater catchments by Maarten Wynants, Swedish University of Agriculutral Sciences, Sweden
- A Flexible Multi-Scale Framework to Simulate Lakes and Reservoirs in Earth System Models by Shervan Gharari, Centre for Hydrology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
We plan the next HYPE conference will be online on Thursday, May 25, 2023. Everyone is welcome to join! Please register by April 30 via this link:
Open HYPE course 2022
With the HYPE course, we aim to attract new model users and inform more experienced HYPE users about updates. Last year, the HYPE course was for the first time held in a hybrid mode. We had a record amount of applicants (+100). In the end, about 20 people participated on-site in Norrköping and 30 selected people joined online from all over the world.
Coming up in 2023!
- The fourth HYPE online conference will be on Thursday, May 25, 2023. Everyone is welcome to participate by presenting their research and listening in. Please register here by April 30, 2023:
- The annual open HYPE course is planned for September 6-8, 2023 online and in Norrköping, Sweden.
Check out the courses and training material on the Hypeweb. Registration for the course will open in May 2023. - Want to keep in touch? Follow us on Twitter! @Hydro_Research
HYPE Newsletter is written by staff of the Hydrological Research unit at SMHI.
For more info, visit
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